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 Заголовок сообщения: Материалы по английскому (4я четверть)
Новое сообщениеДобавлено: 05 апр 2019, 13:17 

Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18
Сообщений: 102
HW due Monday, April 8 (all groups)
1. Prep for your Writing Skills Exam on Wednesday, April 10th: look at the examples of different parts of various letters in file OGE-Personal-Letter.pdf. Think of what the questions might have been. Make sure you know the layout (example on p. 5).
2. SB p. 163, ex. 2a,b,c,d (quiz on Monday)

OGE-Personal-Letter.pdf [939.49 KIB]
Скачиваний: 563
9A 5.8 Vocabulary Bank.mp3 [1.42 MIB]
Скачиваний: 817
9A 5.7 Vocabulary Bank.mp3 [951.36 KIB]
Скачиваний: 774
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (4я четверть)
Новое сообщениеДобавлено: 12 апр 2019, 17:33 

Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18
Сообщений: 102
HW due Monday, April 15 (all groups):
1. Listen to file b2_u9_6min_gram_3rd_conditional-AUDIO.mp3 and follow along with the text in file b2_u9_6min_gram_3rd_conditional.pdf. Fill in the gaps.
2. SB p. 148, ex. a,b,c
3. WB pp. 56-57, ex. 1a,b; 2a,b; 3a,b

b2_u9_6min_gram_3rd_conditional.pdf [327.3 KIB]
Скачиваний: 633
b2_u9_6min_gram_3rd_conditional-AUDIO.mp3 [5.76 MIB]
Скачиваний: 779
WB 9A Pronunciation.mp3 [734.31 KIB]
Скачиваний: 749
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (4я четверть)
Новое сообщениеДобавлено: 12 апр 2019, 18:03 

Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18
Сообщений: 102
Work on pronunciation (for those who were asked to send in a recording over the weekend):
1. Watch the videos and repeat.
2. Practice saying 'He threw three free throws' slowly! (pay close attention to the th and f sounds)
3. Record yourself saying this tongue twister slowly and send your recording via WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, VK or email.
4. Listen to the audio on the 3rd conditional from this week's homework assignment from 5:48 to 6:00 and practice reading this part of the script (it's at the very end).

 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (4я четверть)
Новое сообщениеДобавлено: 20 апр 2019, 00:11 

Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18
Сообщений: 102
HW due Monday, April 22 (all groups):
1. Watch the video on Quantifiers and complete the sentences in file 'Quantifiers-VIDEO-wrksht.pdf'.
2. Listen to audio 'b2_u28_6min_gram_so_such_enough_too_AUDIO.mp3' and follow along with the script in file 'b2_u28_6min_gram_so_such_enough_too.pdf'. Fill in the gaps.
3. SB p. 149: ex. a,b
4. SB p. 91, ex. 5a,b,c,d,e
5. Monday: test on this homework assignment and the one from the previous week (on the Third Conditional)!

Quantifiers-VIDEO-wrksht.pdf [335.01 KIB]
Скачиваний: 538
b2_u28_6min_gram_so_such_enough_too_AUDIO.mp3 [5.79 MIB]
Скачиваний: 816
b2_u28_6min_gram_so_such_enough_too.pdf [412.96 KIB]
Скачиваний: 540
9B 5.19 Listening.mp3 [2.81 MIB]
Скачиваний: 764
9B 5.20 Listening.mp3 [2.61 MIB]
Скачиваний: 807
9B 5.21 Listening.mp3 [2.12 MIB]
Скачиваний: 812

Последний раз редактировалось Мария Леонидовна 20 апр 2019, 00:12, всего редактировалось 2 раз(а).
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (4я четверть)
Новое сообщениеДобавлено: 20 апр 2019, 17:45 

Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18
Сообщений: 102
Work on pronunciation (for those who were asked to send in a recording over the weekend):
1. Watch the first 3 minutes of the video below and repeat the sounds.
2. Practice reading the following tongue twister out loud very slowly:
We went to Wally's volleyball event under the village's wilted willow, with victory in mind. Wally would win the volley versus Vinny.
3. Send in a recording of yourself reading this tongue twister slowly.

 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (4я четверть)
Новое сообщениеДобавлено: 26 апр 2019, 13:32 

Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18
Сообщений: 102
HW due Monday, April 29 (all groups):
1. SB p. 98, ex. 1a,b,c,d,e (vocab quiz on Monday)
2. SB p. 99, ex. 2a,b,c
3. SB p. 99, ex. 2b: for each statement find and underline the justification in the script on p. 131. Listen to the audio again and follow along with the script. Pause the recording after each underlined sentence/expression and note down the time.
4. Listen to b2_u24_6min_gram_conditionals_review_AUDIO.mp3and follow along with the script in file b2_u24_6min_gram_conditionals_review.pdf. Fill in the gaps.
5. WB p. 59, ex. 1a,b
6. SB p. 88, ex. 2a,b,c

9B 5.15 Pronunciation.mp3 [535.99 KIB]
Скачиваний: 764
9B 5.14 Pronunciation.mp3 [832.04 KIB]
Скачиваний: 758
10B 5.36 Listening.mp3 [2.7 MIB]
Скачиваний: 768
10B 5.35 Listening.mp3 [995.75 KIB]
Скачиваний: 790
10B 5.34 Vocabulary.mp3 [696.44 KIB]
Скачиваний: 794
b2_u24_6min_gram_conditionals_review.pdf [256.26 KIB]
Скачиваний: 549
b2_u24_6min_gram_conditionals_review_AUDIO.mp3 [8.47 MIB]
Скачиваний: 785

Последний раз редактировалось Мария Леонидовна 26 апр 2019, 13:41, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (4я четверть)
Новое сообщениеДобавлено: 17 май 2019, 23:56 

Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18
Сообщений: 102
HW due Monday, May 20th (all groups):
1. Watch the video on relative clauses and complete the task in file Relative-Clauses-1-script-gapfill.pdf

2. Watch the video on omitting relative pronouns and complete the tasks in file Omitting-Relative-Pronouns-gapfill.pdf

3. WB p. 63, ex. 1a,b,c

4. Quiz on the vocab from ex. 1b on p. 98 of your textbook.

5. Finish your classwork (file Classwork-05-15.pdf)

***The following video touches upon a few points that are not covered in the other two videos:

Classwork-05-15.pdf [528.34 KIB]
Скачиваний: 517
Omitting-Relative-Pronouns-gapfill.pdf [324.09 KIB]
Скачиваний: 532
Relative-Clauses-1-script-gapfill.pdf [456.72 KIB]
Скачиваний: 538

Последний раз редактировалось Мария Леонидовна 18 май 2019, 00:48, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
 Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (4я четверть)
Новое сообщениеДобавлено: 24 май 2019, 11:09 

Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18
Сообщений: 102
ATTENTION, class! On Monday you will be turning in your textbooks. Please, erase all pencil marks and make sure that the book looks presentable. If any part of the book is damaged, you will need to purchase a replacement.

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