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Мария Леонидовна
Заголовок сообщения: Материалы по английскому (3я четверть) Добавлено: 10 янв 2019, 16:25 |
Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18 Сообщений: 102
Мария Леонидовна
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (3я четверть) Добавлено: 18 янв 2019, 12:56 |
Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18 Сообщений: 102
Мария Леонидовна
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (3я четверть) Добавлено: 25 янв 2019, 15:09 |
Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18 Сообщений: 102
HW due Monday, January 28th (all groups!): Speaking Assessment on Monday, February 4th NB: Tasks 1 and 2 are a MUST! Do these first! Tasks 3 and 4 are review tasks. In preparation for the speaking assessment : 1. Memorize the expressions in file useful-expressions.pdf (you will have 1 minute to recite the 24 expressions) 2. SB p. 36, ex. 4b Review the meaning of the words in bold, complete the task and write out the answers to the questions in your notebook. 3. SB p. 31 ex. 7a Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions. In your notebook write whether you agree or disagree with each statement and provide at least 2 reasons in support of your opinion. 4. SB p. 31, ex. 7c Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions. Write out the answers to these questions in your notebook.
Последний раз редактировалось Мария Леонидовна 25 янв 2019, 15:10, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
Мария Леонидовна
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (3я четверть) Добавлено: 01 фев 2019, 13:47 |
Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18 Сообщений: 102
HW due Monday, February 4th (all groups): In preparation for the Speaking Assessment (Feb. 4th), review the following texts/vocab/tasks: 1. SB p. 21, ex. 6a,b 2. SB p. 156 3. SB p. 158, ex. 2 4. SB p. 161. ex. 2 5. SB pp. 28-29: reread the text in the blue box 6. SB pp. 30-31: ex. 5d, 6a 7. SB pp. 38-39: reread the text 8. SB p. 40: review ex. 4 b,c,d 9. Listen to the presentations on 2 different topics, note the use of expressions to structure the presentation (file statements.pdf). 10. Review the expressions in file useful-expressions.pdf
Последний раз редактировалось Мария Леонидовна 01 фев 2019, 13:57, всего редактировалось 3 раз(а).
Мария Леонидовна
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (3я четверть) Добавлено: 08 фев 2019, 17:05 |
Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18 Сообщений: 102
HW due Monday, February 11th (all groups): 1. SB p. 76, ex. 3a,b,c,d,e,f (3e - translate the words) 2. SB p. 163, ex. 1a,b,c,d,e 3. WB p. 51, ex. 3a,b,c 4. WB p. 52, ex. 5a,b,c + useful words and phrases 5. Prep for a quiz on all of the vocab words from the tasks above
Мария Леонидовна
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (3я четверть) Добавлено: 15 фев 2019, 15:46 |
Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18 Сообщений: 102
HW due Monday, February 18th (all groups): 1. Listen to Gerunds-Infinitives-AUDIO.mp3 and follow along with the script in file Gerunds-Infinitives-SCRIPT.pdf. Fill in the missing words. 2. SB p. 147: read the information on gerunds and infinitives in the grammar bank 3. SB p. 147, ex. a,b 4. Quiz on Monday (gerunds vs. infinitives)
Мария Леонидовна
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (3я четверть) Добавлено: 22 фев 2019, 13:27 |
Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18 Сообщений: 102
HW due Monday, February 25th (all groups): 1. WB p. 55, ex. 5a,b,c + Useful Words and Phrases (audio WB 8B Listening,mp3) 2. For each answer in 5b find and underline the justification in the script on p. 75. Listen to the audio again and pause the recording at the end of each underlined sentence or expression. Note down the time. 3. WB p. 54, ex. 2a,b (audio WB 8B Pronunciation b,mp3) 4. WB p. 53, ex. 1a,b,c 5. WB p. 54, ex. 3a,b,c 6. WB pp. 54-55, ex. 4a,b,c 7. For each answer in 4b find and underline the justification in the text. 8. Vocab Quiz on Monday
Мария Леонидовна
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (3я четверть) Добавлено: 01 мар 2019, 19:18 |
Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18 Сообщений: 102
HW due Monday, March 5th (all groups): 1. Prepare a speech to present your unique product for the Dragons: -It can be any product that you think would be popular with your classmates. -Make sure that you answer the 6 questions in ex. 6a on p. 81 of your SB. -Work in pairs or by yourself. -Each person has to say at least 5 sentences -Use the expressions for 'presenting a product' in ex. 6b on p. 81 -You must have a drawing or a picture of your invention. -Use appropriate vocabulary. -Your speech has to be memorized.
2. Monday Quiz on ex. 1c from p. 53 of your WB.
Мария Леонидовна
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (3я четверть) Добавлено: 08 мар 2019, 13:17 |
Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18 Сообщений: 102
HW due Monday, March 11th (all groups): 1. SB p. 119 ex. 7a,b + the info in the 'Useful Language' box 2. Read the writing tips in file 'Letter-of-Complaint-Writing-Tips-gapped.jpg', fill in the gaps with words from the bottom of the page. Learn the tips by heart! 3. Monday — quiz on the rules and conventions of formal letter writing
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Letter-of-Complaint-Writing-Tips-gapped.jpg [ 1.08 MIB | Просмотров: 13673 ]
Мария Леонидовна
Заголовок сообщения: Re: Материалы по английскому (3я четверть) Добавлено: 11 мар 2019, 18:26 |
Зарегистрирован: 21 ноя 2012, 16:18 Сообщений: 102
Homework due Monday, March 18th (all groups): Prep for a test on Unit 8: 1. WRITING: write a letter of complaint about something you’ve bought (use p. 119 in your SB for reference). Write at least 130 words or more. 2. SPEAKING: prep to give a talk on the following statements: ‘A good work—life balance is very important’ ‘We should have more small shops and fewer malls and supermarkets.’ 3. GRAMMAR: SB pp. 146-147 (review Reported speech and Gerunds and infinitives) 4. VOCAB: SB p. 163, ex. 1a,b,c,d,e; SB p. 164